While the Bayou RVA does not dictate what fees and/or other amenities an organization must pay to attract professional volleyball officials to referee their particular tournament, The Region does recommend the Suggested Officials’ Compensation for Professional Referees and/or Scorers (as a minimum) be strongly considered.

Suggested Officials’ Compensation for Professional Referees and/or Scorers

Match Format3/5 Sets2/3 Sets1 Set
Junior National$42$30$18

For tournaments that pay a flat rate or fee (i.e. per day or per session) the average per match rate should not fall below the suggested rate.


  • Lunch either provided or paid for and made available on site.
  • Dinner provided or paid for if play is expected to last beyond 7PM

Accommodations Accommodation is suggested for officials traveling more than 60 miles (no more than two to a room) and should begin with the night before competition for those traveling more than 75 miles. The last night of the tournament should be provided for officials traveling more than 300 miles if competition is scheduled for or inadvertently c