Everyone must remember that you are there to support your child and their team. Parents of a volleyball player have a shared responsibility with the player. A few of the biggest responsibilities are encouraging good sportsmanship and responsible behavior, support and encourage your child to win or lose, providing support financially and assist with transportation. Parents also have the responsibility to conduct themselves in a reasonable, responsible manner. Parents must be aware that they have as much, if not more, influence on the chemistry of their team than the coach.

All persons entering this USA Volleyball / Bayou Region event understand and agree to the following Code of Conduct as a condition of attendance:


  1. I WILL abide by the official rules of USA Volleyball.
  2. I WILL display good sportsmanship at all times.
  3. I WILL educate myself on the unique rules of this facility and abide by them.
  4. I WILL generate goodwill by being polite and respectful to those around me at this event.
  5. I WILL immediately notify the Event Director and/or Program Administrator in the event that I witness any illegal activity.
  6. I WILL acknowledge that the spectator seating around the courts is for the primary use of those watching the match in progress.
  7. I WILL acknowledge that spectators may rightfully choose to remain in a seat for an entire match without switching sides of the court when the teams switch.


  1. I WILL NOT harass or intimidate the officials, including line judges and scorers.
  2. I WILL NOT participate in any game or game-like activities unless I have a current membership with USA Volleyball.
  3. I WILL NOT bring and/or carry any firearms at any USA Volleyball event.
  4. I WILL NOT use tobacco products or illegal drugs on the premises.
  5. I WILL NOT bring, purchase, or consume alcohol at any Youth/ Junior volleyball event.

WARNING! Injury from flying objects incidental to the sport of volleyball may occur at this event. Attend at your own risk. Please pay close attention to your surroundings and be alert at all times, especially during active play.

NOTE: Any violation of this Code of Conduct will result in you being asked to leave the site/facility and may result in you possibly being banned from attending future Region sanctioned events. The Tournament Director has the final say regarding their individual event. Local law enforcement will be contacted if necessary to resolve any disputes or altercations. Questions or concerns may be directed to the Keystone Region office.