Facility hosts and tournament directors should always ensure their competition area and overall facility are in good working order and free from risks to the extent possible. Below are suggestions for both indoor and outdoor facilities that managers and supervisors should look for prior to play commencing.

  • Conduct a walkthrough of the facility prior to players, coaches, or spectators being admi ed. Post signage and block off any areas necessary.
  • Ensure the facility is suitable for practice or tournament play.
  • Check floor surfaces for defects and trip/fall hazards. For outdoor facilities, clear the playing area of any large objects or debris, such as wood, glass, etc. Have a sand si er or rake available.
  • Check for low-hanging lights, hea ng units, plumbing units, basketball backboards, etc. Familiarize yourself with USAV rules pertaining to these obstruc ons. Lights should be covered.
  • Ensure spectator sea ng areas are in good repair. Block off any areas you do not want spectators to access. For both indoor and outdoor facili es, ensure spectator sea ng areas s ll give enough clearance around the court for serving and pursuit.
  • Make sure restrooms are clean, sanitary, and in good repair with plenty of supplies.
  • Limit access to the balance of the school or facility if needed. Use signage. Also limit access to other spor ng equipment, such as wrestling mats.
  • Posts, walls, or other barriers around courts should be padded to the extent possible. Any objects hanging on walls, such as signs, pictures, ladders, or other objects should be removed if there is a possibility they may interfere with the pursuit of a ball.
  • Know who to contact with facility issues, emergencies, or issues with unruly spectators. Know who has access to any keys or storage areas necessary.
  • Exits should be marked and kept clear to the best extent possible – ensure compliance with fire codes.
  • Parking areas should be well-lit and monitored to the extent possible.
  • Ensure clear ingress and egress pathways, particularly in case of needing to summon emergency services.
  • Post all relevant policies and procedures relating to the event, including the BRVA/USAV Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct.
  • For outdoor facilities, know how to access local weather forecasts, heat index data, and air quality data.
  • Have access to basic first aid supplies and an AED, and ensure you are familiar with their usage (Red Cross Basic First Aid / Red Cross AED).
  • Consult with the facility to develop an Emergency Ac on Plan (EAP) if needed.
  • The region encourages the use of Certified athletic Trainers at events when/where possible.

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