The USA Volleyball’s Beach Coaching Accreditation Program (BCAP) is an intensive course designed to:
  • Provide indoor and beach coaches with the necessary tools to run successful beach programs.
  • Provide beach coaches with a forum to exchange ideas and develop teaching skills.
  • Coaches should be active participants throughout this course, sharing ideas on technique, drill design, strategy and pedagogy.
  • Coaches are encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions throughout the course.
  • Coaches are also required to get sandy!

Why Play Beach Volleyball?

Doubles provides the best in random, game-like volleyball experiences with a high number of contacts per person. Each player’s weaknesses are practiced throughout the game – if you’re a bad passer, you get served. If you’re a bad setter, you partner is served and you must set.

You are forced to become a better player, and to extend your range on defense as you are required to cover the entire court. You develop communication skills with a single partner before moving on to a 6-person system. You are able to enhance strength and conditioning through increased movement.

You learn the responsibility of playing every play with your partner. Whether it’s on the beach or grass, 4-on-4 or 2-on-2, outdoor volleyball is a fun and effective way to gain valuable playing experience and to get an edge on other players. Play hard, play often and play outdoors to become a better all-around player.


The new Beach CAP Level I Certification requires the following:

  • Completion of the Pre-Requisite Beach IMPACT Certification via On-Site Clinic or On-Line Webinar and test from the USAV National Office
  • Attend either the:
    • Full 2-Day on-site Beach CAP Level I course which includes all Required Court & Classroom Sessions, or
    • Hybrid Single-Day-on-the-Sand plus Required On-Line Classroom Sessions
  • Complete and Submit the:
    • Favorite Drills Worksheet
    • Coaching Philosophy Worksheet
    • National CAP Coaches Code of Ethics Form
    • Course Evaluation Form or On-Line Survey
    • Quizzes for each of the On-Line Hybrid BCAP I Sessions (90% or better)
    • Complete and Pass the On-Line Beach CAP Level I Test (90% or better)
  • Have a successful USAV Background Screen in the USAV National Database

The new Beach IMPACT Certification requires the following:

  • Attend the Single Day On-Site or Two-Day IMPACT Webinar/On-Line Beach IMPACT Clinic taught by the USAV National Office (Education and/or Beach Office Staff/Cadre)
  • Complete and Pass the On-Line Beach IMPACT Test (90% or better)


  1. Coaching Science: Motor Learning Theory with a Beach Emphasis (may be taught on-site or as a pre-requisite online session for the standard 2-Day format course; taught as an on-line pre-requisite or as the first on-site session for a Hybrid course)
  2. Basic Differences between Indoor & Sand Game (in the classroom, or on-line for Hybrid)
  3. Developing a Functional Coaching Philosophy for the BEACH Coach! (in the classroom, or on-line for Hybrid)
  4. Professional Ethics, Legalities & Athlete Safeguards for the BEACH Coach! (in the classroom, or on-line for Hybrid)
  5. Team Dynamics: Talent ID & Combining The Right Partners (in the classroom, or on-line for Hybrid)
  6. Myths, Misconceptions and Beach Biomechanics (in the classroom, or on-line for Hybrid)
  7. Intro to Competition Management and Scouting (in the classroom or on-line for Hybrid)
  8. Serve and Pass Strategies for Sand (on the sand)
  9. Sand Setting: How to Make The Hitter Look Good (on the sand)
  10. Keys & Strategies For Effective And Consistent Attacking On The Sand (on the sand)
  11. Defensive Strategies for the Sand Game: Blocking, Digging, Pulling and Chasing Shots (on the sand)
  12. Drill Design for the Beach & Creating Effective, Game-like Sand Practices (on the sand)
  13. Teaching the Skills & Drills Practicum (on the sand with Drills Sharing)
  14. Junior Forum: Engaging the 6 to 12 Year Olds (elective on the sand) or NCAA Forum: NCAA Sand … Are you Ready?! (elective in the classroom)
  15. ​Certification Wrap Up Meeting/Photos, etc. (in the classroom)